Do’s and Don’ts for Articles/ Blog Post
Top Do’s and Don’ts for Articles/ Blog Post
Article Summary Do’s:
(1) Create in Proper Length:Your article summary should be 2 to 5 sentences long.
(2) Give Emotional Benefit:
Speak directly to your reader of the emotional benefi ts that can be gained by reading the information in your article body.
(3) Target your Reader:
Give your ideal reader reasons they should continue reading your article.
(4) Include Keywords:
Your article summary should mention at least 3 to 5 keywords relating to your article topic, using keyword research tools.
Article Summary Don’ts:
(1) Repeat Your Article Title(2) Repeat Your Author Name
(3) Pitch You, Yourself, or Your Business
(4) Include your URL or Email Address
(5) Blatantly self-promote
(6) Create an Article Summary more than 2 paragraphs or 7 sentences in length.
We hope this list of Do’s and Don’ts for Articles/ Blog Post will help with your next writing time.
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